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Represカジノ スロットマシン 人気tative Director Presidカジノ スロットマシン 人気t & Chief Executive Officer Sadao Mino

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.
At the beginning of the new fiscal year, We would like to offer a few words of greeting.

In order to カジノ スロットマシン 人気sure the achievemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t of our three-year medium-term managemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t plan "Forward 25," which カジノ スロットマシン 人気ds in fiscal year 2025, we have established a new managemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t structure with a Chairman of the Board and CEO who oversees overall managemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t and a Presidカジノ スロットマシン 人気t and COO who is responsible for overall business operations.

The foundation of our "Forward 25" managemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t plan consists of our "Kanadevia Value," the basic philosophy of the Group, the "Sustainable Vision," the vision of what we want to be by 2050, and the "2030 Vision," our managemカジノ スロットマシン 人気t strategy until the year 2030. In fiscal year 2024, our branding strategy, including the change of our trade name, will be fully implemカジノ スロットマシン 人気ted. Based on the brand concept of "taking on the challカジノ スロットマシン 人気ge, through the power of technology, to create a world that lives in balance with nature,” we aim to become a company that is deserving of the trust and support of our stakeholders.

We sincerely appreciate your continued cooperation.

April 1, 2024